Organic and inorganic based acid product, free of sulphuric, phosphoric, nitric and hydrofluoric acids. It is used to remove light oxidations and for iron decontamination of austenitic stainless steel as well as for pickling and iron decontamination of ferritic stainless steels.
Alkaline powder product. It is used to degrease and simultaneously remove oxides, phosphates and iron oxalates. Since it contains high amount of sequestering agents it also eliminates drawing soaps rich in calcium.
Alkaline liquid product. Suitable on steel and stainless steel, for degreasing and simultaneous removal of oxides, phosphates and iron oxalates. Rich in sequestering agents, it also eliminates drawing soaps rich in calcium.
Acid liquid product. It is suitable to degrease, pickle and brighten up copper and its alloys, free of chromates, phosphates, nitrates and fluorides.
Acid liquid product. It works at low temperature, it is active towards oil, oxides and saline scales. Excellent pickling agent, particularly suitable at spray with low content of surfactants, it does not form any foam.
Acid liquid product. Similar to Condorine 756 but with a enhanced pickling action.
Acid liquid product. It works at low temperature and has, like innovative characteristic, the total absence of phosphoric acid and mineral acids in general. It is very active, it does not create sludge and it is used also on fast lines with or without ultrasonics.
Alkaline liquid product. It is used as degreasing and etching agent of aluminium and light alloys.
Etching degreasing agent to clean extruded aluminium before painting. Application by spray.
Strong alkaline desgreaser used also in dephosphating of carbon steel and etching of aluminium and alloys.
Etching degreasing product for cleaning extruded aluminium before painting.
Application by dip.
Etching degreasing product free of phosphoric acid, used to clean extruded aluminium before painting. Application by spray.
Alkaline liquid product with low emission of hydrogen. Suitable for aluminium and its alloys, used to degrease and simultaneously pickle.
Buffered acid pickling agent used to remove iron oxidation. No etching of the galvanized substrates on one side material.
Sulfuric-based acid formulation for preparing aluminum coils prior to painting
Acid degreaser with a not aggressive pickling action on carbon steel and light alloys.
Acid degreaser, free of phosphoric acid, for stainless steel, for spray application. The product also carries out a pickling action on light oxidations.
Acid degreaser for stainless steel, free of phosphoric acid and surfactants, for spray application
Pickling agent for ferritic stainless steel and for removal of light oxidations from austenitic stainless steel.
Acid degreasing/etching agent for preparation of aluminium and light alloys to painting in spray plants.
Acid degreasing etching agent prior to painting of aluminium and light alloys in immersion plant.
Acid degreaser for preparation of aluminium and light alloys prior to painting in immersion plant. It carries out also a slight etching action.
Acid degreaser free of mineral acids to remove stearates and drawing oils from steel wires.
Acid degreaser free of mineral acids to remove stearates and drawing oils from stainless steel wires.
Nitric and hydrofluoric acid free pickling agent for AISI 400 or to eliminate light oxides from AISI 300 and the inorganic charges contained in the lubricants.
Degreaser deoxidizer used in immersion for cleaning extruded aluminium. Descal P 22 is fluorides free.
Neutral pickling degreaser for spray and immersion applications. The product simultaneously remove grease, rust and ferrous oxide from mild steel components.
Deoxidizing degreaser for aluminium alloys. Condorite 781 AL is mainly used for removal of welding residues from aluminium alloy components.
Deoxidizer Degreaser for aluminum alloys. Condorite 746 MG is used to clean and polish aluminium surfaces in immersion processes (also in ultrasonic applications)
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